I learned that bamboo is a fast-growing plant that is reported to have uses as a food source, as a building material, and is durable enough to be used as a sustainable alternative to plastic products. Bamboo is an interesting plant because it can be harvested without uprooting the whole plant and as such, does not need to be replanted in a growing site. The bamboo plants also sequester carbon into the soil just like trees, produce oxygen, and can aid as a carbon sink while also being useful as biodegradable products. I am unfamiliar with too many uses as a nutritional food source, but from my experience, bamboo shoots have lots of fiber, and are good in soup with a fun texture. As a building material, the bamboo plant was reported to be light and durable which would make safer housing material in the context of natural disasters. As for plastic alternatives, I have been using bamboo chopsticks and utensils for years and can vouch for their durability.