Avery Wareham
- 402 TOTAL
participant impact
UP TO18zero-waste mealsconsumed
UP TO1.0sustainable seafood mealconsumed
UP TO77milesnot traveled by car
UP TO77milestraveled by carpool
UP TO62pounds of CO2have been saved
UP TO17plastic containersnot sent to the landfill
UP TO1,080gallons of waterhave been saved
UP TO3.0advocacy actionscompleted
UP TO3.0public officials or leaderscontacted
UP TO149minutesspent outdoors
UP TO47minutesspent learning
Avery's actions
Properly Dispose of Refrigerants
Refrigerant Management
I will spend at least 9 minutes learning how to properly dispose of my refrigerator, freezer, and other refrigerants at the end of their useful lives.
Fix Leaky Faucets
Low-Flow Fixtures
I will fix faucets or report leaky faucets to facilities that have been wasting up to 9 gallons (34 L) of water a day or 270 (1,020 L) gallons of water a month per faucet.
Land Sinks
Explore My Area
Sometimes protecting nature requires feeling connected to nature. I will invest 10 minutes in exploring and appreciating a natural area in my region, whether a forest, wetland, coastal area, or somewhere else.
Land Sinks
Local Perennial Biomass
Perennial Biomass Production
I will spend at least 5 minutes finding out if anyone is working on perennial biomass projects in my region and how I can get involved.
Land Sinks
Contact your Elected Officials
Abandoned Farmland Restoration
I will contact 4 elected officials to voice my opinion on the importance of restoring farmland in my region, including both public and private land.
Research Heat Pumps
High-Efficiency Heat Pumps
I will spend at least 15 minutes researching heat pumps to see if installing one makes sense for my home/building.
Food, Agriculture, and Land Use
Tend A Garden
Conservation Agriculture
I will tend to a garden, or prepare for one, each day using sustainable gardening practices.
Reduce Single-Use Disposables
Bioplastics; Reduced Plastics
I will avoid buying and using 3 single-use plastics and instead replace them with durable options.
Practice the 5 Rs
I will practice the "5 Rs" — refuse, reduce, reuse, repurpose, and recycle — to reduce my waste more than I can with just recycling alone.
Food, Agriculture, and Land Use
Zero-Waste Cooking
Reduced Food Waste
I will cook 2 meals with zero-waste each day.
Food, Agriculture, and Land Use
Cook With Sustainable Seafood
Improved Fisheries
Using the Seafood Watch guide, I will feature a sustainable seafood ingredient in a new recipe.
Try Carpooling
I will commute by carpool 11 miles per day and avoid sending up to (___) lbs of CO2 into Earth's atmosphere.
Participant Feed
Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.
To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?
REFLECTION QUESTIONIndustry Properly Dispose of RefrigerantsHow do you address your own feelings of concern, fear or despair about climate change?
Avery Wareham 6/02/2024 2:08 PMI think that climate change is a really big deal. Climate change is really going to effect our future if more people don't start to care about our environment. I really hope that our planet is not destroyed in 50 years. -
REFLECTION QUESTIONBuildings Fix Leaky FaucetsWhat are other easy and low-cost ways to reduce your water usage at home?
Avery Wareham 5/30/2024 12:10 PMMy family and I could start timing our showers and try to cut back a few minutes of shower time. -
REFLECTION QUESTIONLand Sinks Explore My AreaHow can spending more time outdoors enhance your sense of place -- your deep knowledge of and appreciation for your surroundings?
Avery Wareham 5/30/2024 12:05 PMI think that being outdoors can help you relax and it slows time down. Being outside and going for walks helps me feel more present in where I am and what I'm going. I also like to look around and I always feel like I notice something new when I go on walks around my street. -
REFLECTION QUESTIONFood, Agriculture, and Land Use Cook With Sustainable SeafoodWhat did you cook and how did it turn out? Can you share a recipe on the feed for others to try?
Avery Wareham 5/29/2024 6:34 PMI cooked a seafood boil and it was really good. The recipe was corn, shrimp, fish, sausage, and spices. -
REFLECTION QUESTIONBuildings Research Heat PumpsWhy is taking action on climate change important to you? Why do you care?
Avery Wareham 5/29/2024 6:26 PMI care a lot because I want to grow up in a clean atmosphere and climate change is a big part of that. Taking action is also a big deal to me because I grew up caring due to my parents being big on taking care of the environment too. -
REFLECTION QUESTIONIndustry Practice the 5 RsWhat are some more "Rs" you could add to your daily practice to reduce your waste?
Avery Wareham 5/29/2024 6:23 PMI could RINSE my cups more so instead of getting new ones out and wasting them I can just use one cup. Rinsing things helps you to reuse them and not take more than you need. -
REFLECTION QUESTIONFood, Agriculture, and Land Use Zero-Waste CookingIn North America, up to 65% of food waste happens at the consumer level. Chef Steven Satterfield advocates for utilizing every part of a vegetable. How can you incorporate using an entire vegetable, including the skins, tops, and stalks during your next meal prep?
Avery Wareham 5/29/2024 5:55 PMFor my next meal, I can make a chicken dish and use the vegetables to go with the chicken and keep the skin on them and I can use the vegetable leaves as a decoration for the dish. -
REFLECTION QUESTIONIndustry Reduce Single-Use DisposablesWhat single-use items (e.g. straws, coffee cups, vegetable bags, plastic bags) do you regularly use? What could be substituted instead?
Avery Wareham 5/29/2024 5:42 PMI use plastic bags a lot for my lunches at school. I could use metal storage for food instead. -
REFLECTION QUESTIONFood, Agriculture, and Land Use Tend A GardenHave you ever had a significant experience in nature that altered your perspective or focus? If so, please describe it.
Avery Wareham 5/29/2024 5:34 PMI was at the beach and a bunch of deer came up to me and I fed them popcorn. I thought that it was really cool how wild animals can be so interactive in the wild and in nature. -
REFLECTION QUESTIONTransportation Try CarpoolingList some of the places you frequent often (work, grocery store, natural areas). Could you choose one or two days a week to schedule driving with a friend, neighbor or co-worker to these places?
Avery Wareham 5/29/2024 5:24 PMWork, school, and my house. I could carpool with my parents and my friend's parents to school and then home. I could also carpool to work with my coworkers.