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Rosemary Peterson's avatar

Rosemary Peterson

Asheville High School Spring 2024!


  • 0 TODAY
  • 150 THIS WEEK
  • 482 TOTAL

participant impact

  • UP TO
    meatless or vegan meals
  • UP TO
    spent exercising
  • UP TO
    spent learning

Rosemary's actions

Health and Education

Research Barriers to Participation and Representation

Family Planning and Education

I will spend at least 30 minutes learning more about the barriers to women's equal participation and representation around the world.


Health and Education

Learn about the Need for Family Planning

Family Planning and Education

I will spend at least 20 minutes learning more about the need for family planning globally.



Learn More About Geothermal Energy

Geothermal Power

I will spend at least 20 minutes learning more about the energy generation potential of geothermal energy and consider investing in this technology.



Learn More about Micro Wind

Micro Wind Turbines

I will spend at least 20 minutes learning more about the energy generation potential of micro wind.



Learn More about Biomass

Biomass Power

I will spend at least 30 minutes learning more about the energy generation potential of biomass.


Land Sinks

Research Peatlands

Peatland Protection and Rewetting

I will spend 10 minutes researching the environmental benefits of peatlands and what is being done around the world to conserve and restore them.



Research the Climate Impact of Refrigerants

Refrigerant Management

I will spend 30 minutes learning about the climate impact of refrigerants and what climate-friendly refrigerants are by using the links below.



Research Local Waste and Recycling Depots

To learn more about what is and is not recyclable in our area as well as how to properly dispose of hard-to-recycle materials to reduce my harmful impacts on the local environment AND learn how indigenous peoples and POC are more likely to be impacted by waste sites and pollution on a global scale.



Recycle Everything I Can

Recycling; Recycled Metals; Recycled Plastics

Contamination prevents what is recyclable from being recycled. I will research and recycle all materials that are accepted by local haulers or drop stations in my community, including electronics and metals.



Go for a Daily Walk

Walkable Cities

I will take a walk for 15 minutes each day and take note of the infrastructure that makes walking more or less enjoyable, accessible, and possible.


Food, Agriculture, and Land Use

Reduce Animal Products

Plant-Rich Diets

I will enjoy 1 meatless or vegan meals each day of the challenge.


Food, Agriculture, and Land Use

Learn the Truth About Expiration Dates

Reduced Food Waste

I will spend at least 37 minutes learning how to differentiate between sell by, use by, and best by dates.


Participant Feed

Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

    Health and Education Research Barriers to Participation and Representation
    What are some of the barriers that exist to women's equal participation and/or representation in your community?

    Rosemary Peterson's avatar
    Rosemary Peterson 5/17/2024 11:41 AM
    Both on a global scale and in my own community, there are many barriers that prevent women’s equal participation and representation. For example, in many cultures, women and girls are seen as “unclean” or “disgraceful” when they are in public while on their periods. This can prevent many young girls from going to school and getting an education, which in turn leaves them at a societal disadvantage compared to men and boys. In Asheville, gender equality has progressed much further compared to many places worldwide, however, there are still barriers that women have to face. For example, workplace discrimination is still a prominent issue. Women almost always face discrimination while in the workplace, whether it’s witnessing an equally-or-less accomplished male coworker get promoted rather than a woman, or penalization for pregnancy leave or parental responsibilities. These barriers exist due to long-standing old-fashioned ideas about gender, and it may seem difficult to address them. However, by providing quality education, empowerment, protecting reproductive rights, and much more, we can challenge these gender-discriminatory issues.
    Health and Education Learn about the Need for Family Planning
    What did you learn about the need for family planning? How do the needs of different people in different places compare to each other?

    Rosemary Peterson's avatar
    Rosemary Peterson 5/16/2024 11:57 AM
    Family planning is very important because it allows individuals and couples to control their reproduction timing and more, which can lead to better health outcomes and economic stability. However, family planning isn’t widely available, especially in low-income or undeveloped countries. Two aspects are very important when it comes to family planning - education and access. 12 years of quality education is very important for women especially in low-income countries, and these areas tend to have less access to medical assistance, specifically reproductive or sexual help. The needs of people in low-income or undeveloped countries are very different from those in other, more developed places. In low-income countries, there is less access to education and medical assistance compared to high-income countries, and there tends to be more violence especially on the basis of gender. These aspects perpetuate a cycle of poverty in these areas.
    Electricity Learn More About Geothermal Energy
    Geothermal energy is reliable, abundant, and efficient. Project Drawdown states that public investment will play a crucial role in its expansion. In what ways (i.e. with money, time, advocacy) can you invest in geothermal energy?

    Rosemary Peterson's avatar
    Rosemary Peterson 5/14/2024 11:31 AM
    Because I am too young to vote, I could invest in writing a letter to my elected officials to endorse the use of geothermal energy in my community. I would describe how this source of energy can save money and help the environment while also providing enough energy to power my community. Alternatively, the next time my family, my loved ones, or my friends are constructing a house, I could tell them about geothermal energy and suggest it as a source of energy for their house.
    Electricity Learn More about Micro Wind
    Micro turbines can be placed on large structures to take advantage of stronger, steadier breezes. The Eiffel Tower now sports vertical axis turbines that produce electricity for use on site. Where could micro turbines potentially be installed in your city?

    Rosemary Peterson's avatar
    Rosemary Peterson 5/13/2024 11:17 AM
    Microturbines could be used to generate electricity for many places in downtown Asheville. Tall buildings such as hotels, S & W, or the Asheville Art Museum would be perfect places to install microwind turbines.
    Electricity Learn More about Biomass
    Had you ever heard of biomass technology before you took this challenge? What did you learn that surprised you? Share your new knowledge with your friends!

    Rosemary Peterson's avatar
    Rosemary Peterson 5/10/2024 10:43 AM
    I had never heard of biomass technology before and was shocked that such an environmentally friendly source of energy wasn’t as well-known as I would’ve expected.
    Transportation Go for a Daily Walk
    What have you noticed on your daily walks? What have you enjoyed? What infrastructure changes could make your walks more enjoyable or possible?

    Rosemary Peterson's avatar
    Rosemary Peterson 5/06/2024 10:24 AM
    I've enjoyed going on daily walks. I've begun to notice plants, buildings, paths, and animals in my neighborhood that I haven't noticed before. However, the infrastructure in my neighborhood is not suited for walking. There are no sidewalks, so I have had to walk on the street, and when the road becomes narrower it is dangerous. I wish my neighborhood had sidewalks and bridges so that I could walk safer and more efficiently.
    Land Sinks Research Peatlands
    Much of Indonesia's peatlands have been drained so they could be replaced with palm oil or pulp and paper plantations. How can you make choices that help to protect peatlands, even if you live far away from one?

    Rosemary Peterson's avatar
    Rosemary Peterson 5/03/2024 10:41 AM
    I can help protect the peatlands by spreading the word about their endangerment on social media. I can also reach out to my government officials about it and ask them to take more steps to preserve the peatlands, because they hold more power than I do and have the opportunity to take action.
    Industry Research the Climate Impact of Refrigerants
    What did you learn about the climate impact of refrigerants? How do supermarkets contribute to this impact?

    Rosemary Peterson's avatar
    Rosemary Peterson 5/02/2024 10:30 AM
    I learned that refrigerants such as CFCs are released into the atmosphere, they break down the ozone layer, which protects Earth from UV rays. The Montreal Protocol Agreement in 1987 banned the use of CFCs. These chemicals were most often used when storing food in supermarkets, which was a major contributor to the issue.

  • Rosemary Peterson's avatar
    Rosemary Peterson 4/29/2024 11:32 AM
    I found that most items that can’t be recycled in curbside bins can be disposed of safely by dropping them off at recycling centers. Most landfills or other waste sites are located near communities that are low-income or with a population of color. This can lead to significant health problems.
    Food, Agriculture, and Land Use Reduce Animal Products
    Why do people in richer countries eat more meat than people in other places? How does eating more meat affect our bodies, our planet, and other people?

    Rosemary Peterson's avatar
    Rosemary Peterson 4/29/2024 10:34 AM
    Richer countries eat more meat than other areas because their wealth allows them to industrialize their meat industries. This results in higher production rates, meaning more meat is available to consume. Eating meat regularly can support industrial meat industries, which produce immense amounts of greenhouse gasses. Consistently eating meat can also have health impacts, such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes.