February 15 - May 20, 2024
Religion and the Environment-FC
Franklin College
team impact
UP TO1.0sustainable seafood mealconsumed
UP TO7.0meatless or vegan mealsconsumed
UP TO2.0zero-waste mealsconsumed
UP TO13milesnot traveled by car
UP TO13milestraveled by carpool
UP TO1.0carbon footprintcalculated
UP TO5.2pounds of CO2have been saved
UP TO1.0energy auditconducted
UP TO20minutesbeing mindful
UP TO2.0plastic containersnot sent to the landfill
UP TO450gallons of waterhave been saved
UP TO255minutesspent exercising
UP TO4.0more servingsof fruits and vegetables
UP TO6.0educational videoswatched
UP TO2.0conversationswith people
UP TO2.0women, BIPOC, and immigrant-owned businessessupported
UP TO4.0treesplanted
UP TO121minutesspent outdoors
UP TO375minutesspent learning
Team Feed
Recent updates from this team-
April 2 at 8:13 PMToday was boring. I watched the cars pass me by as I listened to a podcast.
March 20 at 8:17 AMWe planted trees at my grandparents house and it was a whole family thing. It was so nice to do something outside and that was not mentally or physically taxing.
March 20 at 8:15 AMBy connecting and giving importance to taking care of the earth from my faith and beliefs I can help my family understand why using alternative energies and talking about ways to avoid using any energy in excess.
March 8 at 8:27 AMI made a stew and salad for my zero waste meal. I repurposed the skins and stalks because they can be plant starters and because we raise cows for meat and then get them butchered locally all of the meat we get from it can be used as well. So by making plant starters or used the skins for flavor I can help with producing 0 waste meals.
March 8 at 8:20 AMI can talk to people and share what I have learned especially about how abundant and replenishing this energy is. The plants needed for it are also super clean and because the heat comes from the inner earth if done correctly there is no greenhouse gas emissions from it.
March 7 at 8:41 AMI calculated my carbon footprint of my whole family if I was still living at home. Our carbon footprint was higher than the average family, probably because we all drive a lot. Both of my parents and my job require a lot of driving, plus we live in the middle of nowhere so even the grocery store is a 30 min drive. In order to neutralize our...
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