March 1 - March 27, 2025
Carbon Cutters
California State University Monterey Bay
team impact
UP TO4.0sustainable seafood mealsconsumed
UP TO470meatless or vegan mealsconsumed
UP TO39zero-waste mealsconsumed
UP TO161locally sourced mealsconsumed
UP TO2,589milesnot traveled by car
UP TO19milestraveled by bike
UP TO1,532milestraveled by carpool
UP TO1,057milestraveled by bus
UP TO5,899pounds of CO2have been saved
UP TO13lightbulbsreplaced
UP TO4.0carbon footprintscalculated
UP TO1.0energy auditconducted
UP TO2,087minutesbeing mindful
UP TO70plastic containersnot sent to the landfill
UP TO270gallons of waterhave been saved
UP TO2.0donationsmade
UP TO6,816minutesspent exercising
UP TO402more servingsof fruits and vegetables
UP TO3.0advocacy actionscompleted
UP TO2.0hoursvolunteered
UP TO34storiesshared
UP TO66conversationswith people
UP TO4.0treesplanted
UP TO2,090minutesspent outdoors
UP TO1,754minutesspent learning
Team Feed
Recent updates from this team-
March 28 at 5:27 AM3/25: I posted a link to an article talking about the rollback of a Biden-era restriction on companies' greenhouse gas emissions, specifically methane. The House of Representatives voted 52-47 to roll back the fee that companies and manufacturers had to pay for emitting methane gas into the atmosphere.
March 28 at 5:22 AM3/20: I shared an article about protesting in Yosemite National Park after Trump's firing of over 1000 National Park employees across the country. Yoesmitie's El Captian is experiencing "firefall" which is a trick of the light that only happens at certain times of the year and makes it look like lava is flowing down the face of the...
March 28 at 5:04 AM3/16: I shared a link to an article about how to find cleaning products with fewer microplastics in them. Many cleaning products have microplastics in them in the form of microbeads, color or shimmer, and viscosity as well as secondary microplastics, a result of the breakdown of the bottle or packaging it comes in. If one should choose to shop...
March 28 at 5:00 AM3/17: I shared an article about electric vehicles' increased efficiency due to battery changes. Studies have shown that cars with lithium batteries last longer, have less of an environmental footprint, and have a lower fire risk than the nickel, manganese, and zinc combination that are in most American electric vehicles. Lithium batteries are...
March 28 at 4:54 AM3/10: I shared a link to an article talking about how Trump has blocked climate research, possibly affecting the validity of and derailing a massive global climate report. The Trump administration has worked to block work that's crucial to major research stations and banned federal scientists from attending an important global climate summit.
March 28 at 4:50 AM3/5: I shared a link to an article that discussed France banning many consumer uses of "forever chemicals." Forever chemicals are classified as PFAS or per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances, which are a family of manufactured substances that repel grease, water, oil, and heat. PFAS are found in hundreds of household items and France's...
March 28 at 4:13 AM3/1: I posted a link to an article about tuna fishing in the Pacific Islands. The article went into depth about how nations in the Pacific islands rely heavily on tuna fishing licenses and fees for much of their government revenue. As oceans warm, these tuna stocks will migrate out of their exclusive economic zones and into the high seas where...
March 27 at 8:07 PMYou can refuse to use unnecessary items or packaging, like plastic straws, bags, or single-use items.
March 27 at 7:14 PMMy boyfriend and I made poke last week and made seaweed salad as a side dish. We also had salmon, tuna, mango, crab salad, shredded carrot, and sesame seeds in.
March 27 at 5:25 PMI try to repurpose items that I have previously bought, especially plastics. I try to limit the plastics that I buy to things that I really need; i've switched to using bar soap and other things like deodorant, that comes in cardboard, glass, or paper.
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