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Ziad Shiekh

SiA 2024


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Share to Social Media: Transportation


Through social media (LinkedIn or Instagram), I will share what I've learned about the Transportation sector and solutions and tag


Share Your Story

READ Quebec's principles for a just transition AND/OR PARTICIPATE in the Sept 27 Climate March

For the week of Sept 25 to Oct 2, please read the documents attached AND IF YOU CAN, please attend the Sept 27 Climate March. Many people and organisations feel that the government is dragging its feet on the important changes required to meet our climate commitments. For your post, reflect on the value of mass demonstrations. Include a photo of a protest banner or slogan that you find effective (if you can't attend the event then find a photo on the web from other climate marches).



Go for a Daily Walk

Walkable Cities

I will take a walk for 90 minutes each day and take note of the infrastructure that makes walking more or less enjoyable, accessible, and possible.


Share Your Story

SiA Homework for Sept 11 - Intro Post

Please write a short post to introduce yourself to the class. Mention some of your interests and what program you are in. If you have some ideas for your sustainability project this semester, please share - you might find a collaborator! Inspire others with the EcoChallenge actions that you are interested in trying out. Include a photo of yourself if you like.



SiA Homework for Sept 4 - PRACTICE POST

Write an Ecochallenge POST to our team, briefly stating how you currently commute to Vanier. In Quebec, because we have a lot of hydro electric power, one of the main source of carbon emissions is from transportation. What commuting options do you have that would be healthier for you and the planet? Will you be considering any changes for this semester? If so, select or create an EcoChallenge action. If not, explain what your particular challenges are and what you could do to help other people in your situation (e.g. organise car sharing, propose a bus shuttle, etc.)


Share Your Story

SiA Homework for Sept 4 - PRACTICE POST

On Sept 4, we will have 3 guests come talk to us about sustainability initiatives at Vanier. In preparation, please read over VANIER'S 5-YEAR SUSTAINABILITY ACTION PLAN 2018-2023 and then write an EcoChallenge post that includes the following: - What do you think about the plan? Is it ambitious enough? Is there anything missing or superfluous? From your own observation and experience, how well is Vanier doing? List some questions that you would like to ask our speakers regarding Sustainability at Vanier? - Identify at least 3 initiatives that you are potentially interested in contributing to this semester and explain why. (Note there is a column labelled student involvement.) For more detailed information, you can also consult the 2020 VANIER ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT in the links.


Participant Feed

Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Ziad Shiekh's avatar
    Ziad Shiekh 10/08/2024 6:20 PM
    Action of the week
    For the action of this week, i decided to try and share more about what i have learned about the transportation section. All of the new concepts and things that i have learned when researching this topic are all new to me because i have never really been exposed to this type of ideas and topics. So when i was sharing these topics on my social media, i had more people whom i did not know come and reach out to me and to discuss about these topics and some people that i did know that i never really talked about these types of topics with. Since sharing these types of post on my social media i now managed to acquire more information about the transportation sector. Long story short, i encourage anyone to try this and see if maybe they can also garner the same type of knowledge i have

  • Ziad Shiekh's avatar
    Ziad Shiekh 10/01/2024 10:31 AM
    Value of mass demonstrations
    When looking at mass demonstrations it can be in the form of protests, rallies, etc. Essentially it's a gathering of many people who are all there for the same cause, they are all fighting the for the same thing. when looking at the value that it brings it can be overwhelming. Some value that it brings its that it can amplify the voices of the people. Meaning that if enough people are there it will get attention which is the point of these gatherings to bring attention to the topic at hand. It shows to the people how united the people are towards this topic. As a snowball effect it also raises the awareness towards what they are fighting for. Another aspect is that it can actually help change certain policies, the reason is because once again if enough people are there, the people in charge are more likely to acknowledge the situation since a majority of the people are showing discontent with the way things are. While it is true that only mass demonstrations are not enough to fully change certain things, it is however a great starting point to get the attention of the higher ups.

  • Ziad Shiekh's avatar
    Ziad Shiekh 9/24/2024 10:44 AM
    Over the past couple of weeks, i have been trying to convince my family to start doing more sustainable actions that can help even if my a little. These are all basic actions that can be performed to help better our situation. These actions can range from getting better sustainability food options which could help reduce the carbon footprint of the transportation of said food to instead of driving everywhere they go, they can maybe opt for different measures such as using public transportation or since some of my family work in the same area use one car instead of two. This has been a difficult process since convincing people to change their lifestyle after so long of living that way can be challenging but nevertheless i will keep trying and try and keep updating this situation as it unfolds.

    • Richard Klopp's avatar
      Richard Klopp 9/24/2024 11:11 AM
      Not easy to change others. Better to be a role model and show how alternatives can be an improvement rather than a sacrifice.

  • Ziad Shiekh's avatar
    Ziad Shiekh 9/17/2024 3:47 PM
    Week 5 Action:
    For this weeks action, i decided to go on a 120 minute walk. The reason i chose this is because i never really have the time to take in my environment and everything that is around me. The walk consisted of primarily walking through areas i rarely would be in during a normal day just to see how different it would feel. The impact that it had on me was not something spectacular but it did help me see how other people practically live in the area, maybe i can even learn from their style of living even if i only saw it for a brief couple of minutes. The biggest challenge was just finding my way since the area was unfamiliar to me and i tried to use google maps as little as possible to truly get the authentic experience. As for why i believe this is important is because it helps people just take in the environment and to see how others are in their daily lives. This did make me want to go on more walks which would overall help me in the long term in getting in touch with nature more often.

  • Ziad Shiekh's avatar
    Ziad Shiekh 9/10/2024 4:04 PM
    Hello, my name is Ziad Shiekh, for my interests i am someone who is more interested in the technology that surrounds us and want to learn about its capabilities and how we can use it, maybe we can even use it to help the environment in some way. i am in the social science program. I'm not sure if this counts as a project proposal but maybe we can find a way to help people with their transportation maybe give them an incentive to ride bikes to school or other options. another could be a plastic free project that many other students have also mentioned. As for the specifics on these projects I don't have them yet but maybe we can expand upon these ideas in the future.

  • Ziad Shiekh's avatar
    Ziad Shiekh 9/03/2024 4:30 PM
    Vanier sustainability action plan
    When looking at the sustainability action plan, i do believe that the people who organized this plan did a good job in doing so since it clearly states what their intentions are without tip toeing around the subject at hand. It does seem ambitious enough to attract the attention of other students so that maybe they can join in on the cause and have more of an impact. As for how well Vanier is doing, I'm going to be honest and say i have not really been paying attention to this but i will now since i understand what they are trying to do. As for the three initiatives one of them could be get more involved in this program and spread the message to a broader audience, maybe do some volunteer work or even work with the current team to maybe boost the chances of this working.

    • Richard Klopp's avatar
      Richard Klopp 9/03/2024 8:27 PM
      Certainly the more people that are aware of the plan and paying attention, the greater the motivation for the College to follow through on its goals,

  • Ziad Shiekh's avatar
    Ziad Shiekh 9/03/2024 4:21 PM
    My Vanier commute
    the way i commute to school is walking. since i live very near to the school i walk to school every single day. this has been this way since the beginning of my journey at Vanier college. i guess that the healthiest option for the planet is to have everyone bike or walk to school but that seems impossible since everyone lives at different distances from the college. car sharing can also be an option for people so people don't have to take two cars they could only take one.