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Aiden Maravita's avatar

Aiden Maravita

SiA 2024


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  • 66 TOTAL

Aiden's actions

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READ Quebec's principles for a just transition AND/OR PARTICIPATE in the Sept 27 Climate March

For the week of Sept 25 to Oct 2, please read the documents attached AND IF YOU CAN, please attend the Sept 27 Climate March. Many people and organisations feel that the government is dragging its feet on the important changes required to meet our climate commitments. For your post, reflect on the value of mass demonstrations. Include a photo of a protest banner or slogan that you find effective (if you can't attend the event then find a photo on the web from other climate marches).


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SiA Homework for Sept 11 - Intro Post

Please write a short post to introduce yourself to the class. Mention some of your interests and what program you are in. If you have some ideas for your sustainability project this semester, please share - you might find a collaborator! Inspire others with the EcoChallenge actions that you are interested in trying out. Include a photo of yourself if you like.



SiA Homework for Sept 4 - PRACTICE POST

Write an Ecochallenge POST to our team, briefly stating how you currently commute to Vanier. In Quebec, because we have a lot of hydro electric power, one of the main source of carbon emissions is from transportation. What commuting options do you have that would be healthier for you and the planet? Will you be considering any changes for this semester? If so, select or create an EcoChallenge action. If not, explain what your particular challenges are and what you could do to help other people in your situation (e.g. organise car sharing, propose a bus shuttle, etc.)


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SiA Homework for Sept 4 - PRACTICE POST

On Sept 4, we will have 3 guests come talk to us about sustainability initiatives at Vanier. In preparation, please read over VANIER'S 5-YEAR SUSTAINABILITY ACTION PLAN 2018-2023 and then write an EcoChallenge post that includes the following: - What do you think about the plan? Is it ambitious enough? Is there anything missing or superfluous? From your own observation and experience, how well is Vanier doing? List some questions that you would like to ask our speakers regarding Sustainability at Vanier? - Identify at least 3 initiatives that you are potentially interested in contributing to this semester and explain why. (Note there is a column labelled student involvement.) For more detailed information, you can also consult the 2020 VANIER ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT in the links.


Participant Feed

Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Aiden Maravita's avatar
    Aiden Maravita 9/04/2024 7:59 AM
    My Commute to Vanier:
    I am from the Sud-Ouest, specifically from Pointe-Saint-Charles. My daily travels are in all very brief, first I make my way to metro Charlevoix, which is a 3 min walk from where I stay. From Charlevoix, I take the metro all the way down the transit station Lionel-Groulx and proceed to take the orange line to Cote-Vertu. Then, I walk from the Cote-Vertu metro station to Vanier. In total, it takes me approximately 35-45 minutes to get to school. This semester, since I moved, I can bike to school until. The walk/biking will take me 15 mins from where I live now. Overall, making my way to school remains simple and efficient.

    • Richard Klopp's avatar
      Richard Klopp 9/04/2024 8:43 AM
      You are one of the lucky few that can easily bike. Take advantage of it! The money you save from commuting costs, you could invest in good rain gear!