Amanda LeBon
"I will try to expand my horizon throughout this entire challenge. "
- 769 TOTAL
participant impact
UP TO58meatless or vegan mealsconsumed
UP TO65locally sourced mealsconsumed
UP TO137milesnot traveled by car
UP TO137milestraveled by bus
UP TO213pounds of CO2have been saved
UP TO1.0donationmade
UP TO1,045minutesspent exercising
UP TO1.0advocacy actioncompleted
UP TO2.0hoursvolunteered
UP TO10women, BIPOC, and immigrant-owned businessessupported
UP TO65minutesspent outdoors
UP TO150minutesspent learning
Amanda 's actions
Share Your Story
Find out what’s happening in your neighborhood
While global and national actions get a lot of attention, it’s often at the local community level where individuals can have the greatest input and where change is most tangible. But every community is unique and there is no one-size-fits-all solution. I will spend 20 minutes finding out how my neighborhood, town or city is helping the environment and building local resilience.
Learn about 'Green Gentrification'
Multiple Solutions
I will spend at least 60 minutes learning about green gentrification and how it relates to city planning for climate action.
Research Heat Pumps
High-Efficiency Heat Pumps
I will spend at least 45 minutes researching heat pumps to see if installing one makes sense for my home/building.
Health and Education
Support Businesses Owned by Women, POC, or Immigrants
Sustainable Intensification for Smallholders
I will spend 45 minutes researching and shopping from 3 businesses owned by women, people of color, or immigrants.
Find a Local Climate-Friendly Supermarket
Refrigerant Management
I will explore the interactive map in the links below to find a supermarket that does not use HFC refrigerants near my home.
Land Sinks
Explore My Area
Sometimes protecting nature requires feeling connected to nature. I will invest 60 minutes in exploring and appreciating a natural area in my region, whether a forest, wetland, coastal area, or somewhere else.
Land Sinks
Support a Community Garden
Multiple Solutions
I will support a community garden by volunteering, donating, or advocating for a new or existing one.
Land Sinks
Contact your Elected Officials
Abandoned Farmland Restoration
I will contact 3 elected officials to voice my opinion on the importance of restoring farmland in my region, including both public and private land.
Land Sinks
Forest-Friendly Foods 1
Tropical Forest Restoration
I will spend at least 15 minutes researching the impact of my diet to see how it contributes to deforestation.
Coastal, Ocean, and Engineered Sinks
Smart Seafood Choices
Ocean Farming
I will visit and download the app to commit to making better seafood choices for a healthier ocean.
Coastal, Ocean, and Engineered Sinks
Cook With Seaweed
Seaweed Farming
I will use seaweed in a new recipe.
Food, Agriculture, and Land Use
Reduce Food Waste
Reduced Food Waste
I will keep a daily log of food I throw away during Drawdown Ecochallenge, either because it went bad before I ate it, I put too much on my plate, or it was scraps from food preparation, and commit to reducing my food waste throughout the challenge.
Food, Agriculture, and Land Use
Support Local Food Systems
Plant-Rich Diets
I will source 75 percent of my food from local producers each day. This could include signing up for a local CSA, buying from a farmer's market, visiting a food co-op, foraging with a local group, or growing my own ingredients.
Food, Agriculture, and Land Use
Reduce Animal Products
Plant-Rich Diets
I will enjoy 2 meatless or vegan meals each day of the challenge.
Go for a Daily Walk
Walkable Cities
I will take a walk for 30 minutes each day and take note of the infrastructure that makes walking more or less enjoyable, accessible, and possible.
Test Drive an Electric Bike
Electric Bicycles
I will test drive an electric bike at a local distributor to see if it makes sense to use one in place of my car, or to extend the area I can cover by bike.
Use Public Transit
Public Transit
I will use public transit 19 miles per day and avoid sending up to (___) lbs of CO2 into Earth's atmosphere.
Participant Feed
Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.
To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?
Amanda LeBon 6/30/2024 5:23 PM2 activities that I didn't get to complete during this challenge, I'm striving to still do them within the next few weeks -
REFLECTION QUESTIONShare Your Story Find out what’s happening in your neighborhoodDid I learn something new about my community?
Amanda LeBon 6/26/2024 5:40 AMIt seems my township had been active about 10 years ago and reached Bronze status. Doesn't seem too much have happened in the past 10 years. That being said, some of the changes they have implemented I have seen. Some of the things they listed, I would like to follow up on, as I'm not sure I've seen them implemented or witnessed the effects of those actions -
REFLECTION QUESTIONIndustry Find a Local Climate-Friendly SupermarketHow close is the nearest climate-friendly supermarket to your home? How could you encourage local supermarket to reduce or phase out their use of HFC refrigerants?
Amanda LeBon 6/19/2024 9:12 AMWhy are only some LIDL's and ALDI's climate friendly? And not all of them? I'm going to research more to figure this out. -
Amanda LeBon 6/12/2024 6:41 AMI aim to take public transportation 3x per week, unless I'm working a second shift. My biggest frustration is that the trains seem to have issues on a regular basis causing me to have to drive into work. I wonder what the problem with the equipment is and what can be done to remediate it.-
Emily Simons 6/12/2024 7:06 AMthe US has just neglected our mass transit infrastructure so badly that we're down to just trying to keep moving, nevermind being on a schedule or making improvements
Amanda LeBon 6/04/2024 8:50 AMThis challenge always helps me to be more conscientious of what I do in my own home and life and how it effects the environment around us.