Cynthia Kanno
- 70 TOTAL
participant impact
UP TO10minutesspent learning
Cynthia's actions
Share Your Story
Find out what’s happening in your neighborhood
While global and national actions get a lot of attention, it’s often at the local community level where individuals can have the greatest input and where change is most tangible. But every community is unique and there is no one-size-fits-all solution. I will spend 20 minutes finding out how my neighborhood, town or city is helping the environment and building local resilience.
Coastal, Ocean, and Engineered Sinks
Smart Seafood Choices
Ocean Farming
I will visit and download the app to commit to making better seafood choices for a healthier ocean.
Go Paperless
Recycled Paper
I will reduce the amount of paper mail that I receive by 0.11lbs (0.05kg) a day or 3.3lbs (1.6kg) a month by opting into paperless billing, ending unwanted subscriptions, and opting out of junk mail.
Coastal, Ocean, and Engineered Sinks
Cook With Seaweed
Seaweed Farming
I will use seaweed in a new recipe.
Plastics Audit
Reduced Plastics
I will complete a plastics audit to see where plastics show up in my life and determine how I can reduce the use of single-use plastics.
Food, Agriculture, and Land Use
Learn the Truth About Expiration Dates
Reduced Food Waste
I will spend at least 10 minutes learning how to differentiate between sell by, use by, and best by dates.
Land Sinks
Explore My Area
Sometimes protecting nature requires feeling connected to nature. I will invest 15 minutes in exploring and appreciating a natural area in my region, whether a forest, wetland, coastal area, or somewhere else.
Land Sinks
Learn More about Silvopasture
I will spend at least 15 minutes watching videos and/or reading about the environmental benefits of silvopasture.
Land Sinks
Buy Bamboo
Bamboo Production
When they are available, I will purchase products made from bamboo instead of wood, plastic, or metal.
Land Sinks
Forest-Friendly Foods 1
Tropical Forest Restoration
I will spend at least 15 minutes researching the impact of my diet to see how it contributes to deforestation.
Choose LED Bulbs
LED Lighting
I will replace 1 incandescent lightbulbs with Energy Star-certified LED bulbs, saving up to $14 per fixture per year.
Participant Feed
Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.
To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?