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karin hakim's avatar

karin hakim

CCSA Students Rock JAC!


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  • 130 THIS WEEK
  • 301 TOTAL

karin's actions

Food, Agriculture, and Land Use

Smaller Portions

Reduced Food Waste

I will use smaller plates and/or serve smaller portions when dishing out food.


Coastal, Ocean, and Engineered Sinks

Cook With Seaweed

Seaweed Farming

I will use seaweed in a new recipe.


Participant Feed

Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • karin hakim's avatar
    karin hakim 2/21/2025 9:20 PM
    • 9 DAY STREAK
    Cutting on fast food can help with reducing food waste as fast food restaurants produce in bulk which leads to a lot of food being thrown away. Also the massive amounts which lead to uneaten food being thrown away. Instead, I meal prep for 3-4 days ahead

  • karin hakim's avatar
    karin hakim 2/18/2025 6:32 PM
    • 9 DAY STREAK
    Fun fact that I just learned: sea weed is a sustainable food source because it does not need land, freshwater, or harmful pesticides to grow

  • karin hakim's avatar
    karin hakim 2/18/2025 6:18 PM
    • 9 DAY STREAK
    Eating smaller portions has helped me feel overall more energetic throughout my day. Whenever I face hunger, I go for a portion of fruits in between my meals which usually fills me up a little before I get to eat my next big meal.
    Food, Agriculture, and Land Use
    While dishing food out, we tend to load our plates with more than we need. Using smaller plates helps to mitigate this. Aside from the environmental benefits, what other benefits might come from eating/serving smaller portions?

    karin hakim's avatar
    karin hakim 2/13/2025 8:53 PM
    • 9 DAY STREAK
    Eating smaller portions might help you with weight loss. Additionally it can reduce bloating or discomfort as eating smaller meals gives your digestive system less work to do at once. I also found out that people with tendencies to meal control are more likely to maintain healthier blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol levels