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Kayla Bernard's avatar

Kayla Bernard

SiA 2024


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Kayla's actions


Learn more about Nuclear Power

I will spend 30 minutes learning about Nuclear Energy and Thorium salt reactors



Learn more about Nuclear Power

I will spend 30 minutes learning about Nuclear Energy and Thorium salt reactors


Share Your Story

READ Quebec's principles for a just transition AND/OR PARTICIPATE in the Sept 27 Climate March

For the week of Sept 25 to Oct 2, please read the documents attached AND IF YOU CAN, please attend the Sept 27 Climate March. Many people and organisations feel that the government is dragging its feet on the important changes required to meet our climate commitments. For your post, reflect on the value of mass demonstrations. Include a photo of a protest banner or slogan that you find effective (if you can't attend the event then find a photo on the web from other climate marches).


Food, Agriculture, and Land Use

Smaller Portions

Reduced Food Waste

I will use smaller plates and/or serve smaller portions when dishing out food.


Land Sinks

Explore My Area

Sometimes protecting nature requires feeling connected to nature. I will invest 75 minutes in exploring and appreciating a natural area in my region, whether a forest, wetland, coastal area, or somewhere else.


Land Sinks

Research Peatlands

Peatland Protection and Rewetting

I will spend 45 minutes researching the environmental benefits of peatlands and what is being done around the world to conserve and restore them.


Land Sinks

Learn More about Silvopasture


I will spend at least 45 minutes watching videos and/or reading about the environmental benefits of silvopasture.


Land Sinks

Support a Community Garden

Multiple Solutions

I will support a community garden by volunteering, donating, or advocating for a new or existing one.


Land Sinks

Learn about Temperate Forests

Temperate Forest Restoration

I will spend at least 60 minutes learning more about the environmental services provided by and the environmental issues affecting temperate forests.


Food, Agriculture, and Land Use

Learn About Aquaculture

Improved Aquaculture

Each day, I will spend at least 25 minutes learning about sustainable aquaculture.


Food, Agriculture, and Land Use

Reduce Food Waste

Reduced Food Waste

I will keep a daily log of food I throw away during Drawdown Ecochallenge, either because it went bad before I ate it, I put too much on my plate, or it was scraps from food preparation, and commit to reducing my food waste throughout the challenge.


Food, Agriculture, and Land Use

Learn About Cattle Farming

Improved Cattle Feed; Improved Manure Management

I will spend 45 minutes researching cattle feed and manure management, or visiting a dairy farm to learn about their farming practices.


Food, Agriculture, and Land Use

Learn the Truth About Expiration Dates

Reduced Food Waste

I will spend at least 15 minutes learning how to differentiate between sell by, use by, and best by dates.



SiA Homework for Sept 4 - PRACTICE POST

Write an Ecochallenge POST to our team, briefly stating how you currently commute to Vanier. In Quebec, because we have a lot of hydro electric power, one of the main source of carbon emissions is from transportation. What commuting options do you have that would be healthier for you and the planet? Will you be considering any changes for this semester? If so, select or create an EcoChallenge action. If not, explain what your particular challenges are and what you could do to help other people in your situation (e.g. organise car sharing, propose a bus shuttle, etc.)


Share Your Story

SiA Homework for Sept 4 - PRACTICE POST

On Sept 4, we will have 3 guests come talk to us about sustainability initiatives at Vanier. In preparation, please read over VANIER'S 5-YEAR SUSTAINABILITY ACTION PLAN 2018-2023 and then write an EcoChallenge post that includes the following: - What do you think about the plan? Is it ambitious enough? Is there anything missing or superfluous? From your own observation and experience, how well is Vanier doing? List some questions that you would like to ask our speakers regarding Sustainability at Vanier? - Identify at least 3 initiatives that you are potentially interested in contributing to this semester and explain why. (Note there is a column labelled student involvement.) For more detailed information, you can also consult the 2020 VANIER ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT in the links.


Participant Feed

Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

    Food, Agriculture, and Land Use Learn About Aquaculture
    What was the most interesting thing to learn about sustainable aquaculture practices?

    Kayla Bernard's avatar
    Kayla Bernard 10/09/2024 9:54 AM
    Sustainable Aquaculture

    With increasing population there is an increased demand for nutritious food. Seafood or 'blue foods' are in very high demand and we turned to farming to meet it. There are different types of aquaculture, such a offshore open pens, nearshore open pens and land based closed systems.

    Out of the 3 mentioned, closed systems are the most sustainable. This is because the other two have issues regarding fish waste not being properly filtered due to the concentration, increase of diseases and introduces non-native fish and plants.
    In a closed system, they use a barrier between the 'farm' and open ocean with reduces outside interaction and the spreading of dieseas. Using seaweed and shellfish help filter out the fish waste. They are often powered by renewable energy.

  • Kayla Bernard's avatar
    Kayla Bernard 10/01/2024 6:45 PM
    Importance of Mass Demonstrations for Climate Issues
    Mass demonstrations play a crucial role in addressing climate change and pushing for necessary action. When large groups gather, they significantly raise awareness about urgent environmental issues, capturing the attention of both the media and the public. This collective action sends a strong message to policymakers, showing them that people care deeply about the climate and expect them to prioritize it. Additionally, these events foster a sense of community among participants, uniting individuals who are passionate about environmental justice and motivating them to engage further in activism. Mass demonstrations also connect local initiatives to a larger global movement, highlighting that climate change affects everyone and requires a unified response. They spark important conversations, encouraging dialogue between activists, leaders, and the public about what needs to be done. Ultimately, these demonstrations remind government officials that citizens are ready to hold them accountable, making them a powerful tool in the fight against climate change and the push for a sustainable future.

    image: 2019 climate strike, Montreal

    • Kayla Bernard's avatar
      Kayla Bernard 10/01/2024 6:53 PM
      The image seems to not be working, so the description is:
      a group of young people participating at the 2019 Montreal Climate Strike, holding a banner that reads "1.5 to stay alive", referring to the 1.5° target would significantly reduce the risks and impacts of climate change.
    Food, Agriculture, and Land Use Learn the Truth About Expiration Dates
    How does knowing the difference between use by, sell by, and best by dates empower you to make better decisions?

    Kayla Bernard's avatar
    Kayla Bernard 9/17/2024 10:16 PM
    Reflection question:
    Knowing the difference between use by, sell by, and best by dates allow you to be more conscious of unnecessary food waste. knowing that food past the 'sell by' or 'best by' date doesn't mean you need to throw it out reduces the amount of food (and typically plastic containers) wasted. Additionally, knowing these dates can help you be more conscious of the amount of food you buy, which may encourage people to buy less and therefore waste less.
    Land Sinks Learn More about Silvopasture
    Had you heard of the term "silvopasture" before now? After learning more about it, what do you think is the biggest advantage of silvopasture?

    Kayla Bernard's avatar
    Kayla Bernard 9/10/2024 6:13 PM
    I have not heard of silvopasture prior to this. I think there are many benefits to silvopasture, including sequestering more carbon than regulars fields, as well as reducing the amount of animal feed needed (and therefore reducing the overall carbon footprint of farms). I think it isn't realistic to convince companies and industries to drop cattle farming overall, so finding way to make it more humane for the animals and overall lowering the carbon footprint is the next best thing. additionally, adding these trees and other native plants is good for the ecosystem in the area, making it so the land is actually utilized in a more helpful way. It can also be beneficial for the companies to have an expanded list of produce, such as nuts and mushrooms. It may be harder to manage, but even having people (families with young children, for example) coming in to harvest it for them (for a price) can bring in extra money for no cost. overall, this is a very beneficial change to agriculture

  • Kayla Bernard's avatar
    Kayla Bernard 9/10/2024 5:13 PM
    Hello, my name is Kayla Bernard. I am a social studies student, and I aspire to one day have a career in environmental sciences and ecology. My interests have always pertained to collecting and categorizing information; particularly about insects. I also collect insects sheds/corpses and bones I find on nature walks. additionally, I enjoy working with aquariums and terrariums. I am not entirely certain on the final decision for my research proposal, but i think it would be interesting to do a free, hands-on Vanier workshop educating students on the importance of insects in the ecosystem, maybe with emphasis on the importance of reducing pesticides. Explain how insects aren't 'gross' or 'scary' can help get rid of the stigma around them. It may be beneficial to tie in the importance of insects in birds' diets, as that is a very easy to draw students in.
    Having a hands-on experience with something is very different than learning about it in the classroom. Opportunities like these can really motivate students to join the environmental science field, or a least care a bit more about the world around them.

    • Richard Klopp's avatar
      Richard Klopp 9/10/2024 6:40 PM
      If you can convince my daughter that spiders are not scary, I would be so grateful!