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Jordan Benabou's avatar

Jordan Benabou

SiA 2024


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  • 131 TOTAL

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    spent exercising
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    spent learning

Jordan's actions


Go for a Daily Walk

Walkable Cities

I will take a walk for 30 minutes each day and take note of the infrastructure that makes walking more or less enjoyable, accessible, and possible.



Support Microgeneration in Low Income Countries

Small Hydropower, Micro Wind Turbines, Microgrids

I will make a donation to a nonprofit that installs microgeneration in low income countries.



Solar Water Consultation

Solar Hot Water

I will contact a local installer/distributor to see if a solar water heater makes sense for my house.



Research Cement Alternatives

Alternative Cement

I will spend at least 30 minutes researching cement alternatives that reduce the carbon footprint of concrete.



Practice the 5 Rs


I will practice the "5 Rs" — refuse, reduce, reuse, repurpose, and recycle — to reduce my waste more than I can with just recycling alone.



Research and Advocate for High-Speed Rail

High-Speed Rail

I will spend at least 55 minutes researching and advocating for a comprehensive high speed rail network in my country/region.



Purchase a Carbon Offset

Efficient Aviation

If I buy a plane ticket, I will purchase a carbon offset.


Land Sinks

Forest-Friendly Foods 1

Tropical Forest Restoration

I will spend at least 25 minutes researching the impact of my diet to see how it contributes to deforestation.


Land Sinks

Forest-Friendly Foods 2

Tropical Forest Restoration

I will replace or remove the palm oil, coffee, and cocoa products in my current diet that are known to contribute to deforestation.


Food, Agriculture, and Land Use


Composting, Reduced Food Waste

I will start a compost or worm bin where I live.



Choose LED Bulbs

LED Lighting

I will replace 10 incandescent lightbulbs with Energy Star-certified LED bulbs, saving up to $14 per fixture per year.



Learn about Carbon Offsets

I will spend 35 minutes learning about carbon offsets, and why they are a necessary solution in combating a climate crisis.



SiA Homework for Sept 4 - PRACTICE POST

Write an Ecochallenge POST to our team, briefly stating how you currently commute to Vanier. In Quebec, because we have a lot of hydro electric power, one of the main source of carbon emissions is from transportation. What commuting options do you have that would be healthier for you and the planet? Will you be considering any changes for this semester? If so, select or create an EcoChallenge action. If not, explain what your particular challenges are and what you could do to help other people in your situation (e.g. organise car sharing, propose a bus shuttle, etc.)


Participant Feed

Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Jordan Benabou's avatar
    Jordan Benabou 10/09/2024 10:43 AM
    Week 8 Sustainability:

    I recently replaced about 15 of the lightbulbs in my home with LED bulbs, and it's already proven to be a wise decision. While LEDs may cost slightly more upfront than traditional incandescent bulbs, the long-term savings more than compensate. Because of their energy efficiency, switching to LEDs is expected to save me approximately $14 per year on my energy bill. LEDs use at least 75% less energy and can last up to 25 times longer than incandescent bulbs, resulting in fewer replacements and lower energy consumption. LEDs provide significant environmental benefits. They consume less electricity, reducing demand for power plants and lowering greenhouse gas emissions. Their longer lifespan means fewer bulbs in landfills, which reduces waste. Unlike CFLs, LEDs contain no mercury. Overall, switching to LEDs saves money and promotes a more environmentally friendly lifestyle.

  • Jordan Benabou's avatar
    Jordan Benabou 10/02/2024 10:27 AM
    A Just Transition Document (Week 7):

    Mass demonstrations, such as climate marches, are effective tools for demanding immediate and equitable climate action. They bring people together, sending a clear message that addressing climate change requires addressing social justice. A just transition to a green economy entails prioritizing the needs of those most impacted by climate change and ensuring that the benefits and costs are fairly distributed. When people march, they emphasize the importance of bold, equitable policies, as in the slogan we see a lot "Climate Justice = Social Justice." This serves as a reminder that the fight for climate justice is also a fight for equality in this world.

  • Jordan Benabou's avatar
    Jordan Benabou 9/25/2024 8:08 AM
    Week 6 Response:

    I first learned about climate change when I was about ten years old, while watching the news with my family. There was a story about polar ice caps melting and polar bears losing their habitat. At the time, it felt distant and difficult to comprehend, as if it were happening far away. However, as I grew older, I began to notice the effects, like extreme weather, wildfires, and floods. It became clear that climate change was not just a problem for the future; it was happening right now. That realization has stuck with me, and it motivates me to do what I can, because even small actions can help slow the damage we are witnessing.

    That is why, for my semester project, we want to improve the preservation of fresh water in Quebec, which will improve consumption for future generations and thus help in the fight against climate change.

  • Jordan Benabou's avatar
    Jordan Benabou 9/18/2024 7:51 AM
    Week 5 Response:

    This week, I learned about carbon offsets and how they can help us tackle climate change. Essentially, carbon offsets let us to balance out the carbon emissions you produce whether that’s from driving, flying, or even daily electricity use by funding projects that reduce or capture greenhouse gases elsewhere. These projects can include things like reforestation, which absorbs carbon dioxide, or renewable energy projects, like wind farms, that prevent emissions. For example, if you take a flight that emits a ton of carbon dioxide, you can purchase a carbon offset that goes towards a project capturing or reducing that same amount of carbon dioxide. It’s like paying to undo the damage your flight did to the environment. The key, though, is to make sure the offsets you’re buying are from reliable, high-quality projects. Not all offsets are created equal some may not deliver the promised environmental benefits. That’s why it's important to look for projects certified by standards like the "Verified Carbon Standard". These certifications ensure that the carbon reductions are real, measurable, permanent, and not a fake like some companies do​. If you want to take action, a good starting point is to calculate your carbon footprint using an online tool. Once you know your emissions, you can buy offsets from certified projects. For example, Tradewater focuses on capturing powerful greenhouse gases like methane, which can be much more harmful than carbon dioxide if left unchecked​ websites like Offset Guide also help you find trustworthy projects, ensuring your contributions make a real impact.

  • Jordan Benabou's avatar
    Jordan Benabou 9/11/2024 8:45 AM
    Week 4 Response:

    I decided to walk to my tutor’s house instead of driving, even though it’s only about 8 minutes away. This week, I'll be walking about 35 minutes round trip. I really enjoy being outside, especially during the summer and fall when the weather is sunny and the atmosphere feels refreshing. It’s a nice break for me since I’ve been spending so much time indoors lately, studying and working on the computer. Even though it might not seem like a big change, I think it's a positive one. Walking is great for your body, and as someone with asthma, it helps strengthen my lungs. Any exercise is good, and walking is a simple way to get moving while clearing my mind before diving back into work. I know it can be hard to find time for exercise when we’re all so busy, but even taking a short walk instead of scrolling through social media can make a difference. It’s a good way to disconnect from screens and just enjoy the world around you. In general next time of going somewhere that you may not need a car, think about walking if possible. I will continue this "challenge" for the next couple of weeks to help me clear my head before tutor.

  • Jordan Benabou's avatar
    Jordan Benabou 9/11/2024 7:55 AM

    Hello my name is Jordan Benabou, a third-year student at Vanier College, currently studying Health Sciences. In my free time, I love playing basketball and golf, and I also enjoy staying informed by reading about news and politics. Every Sunday, I volunteer for 3-4 hours at MADA, a non-profit organization where we prepare meals for individuals who may not be able to afford them. For my final project this semester, which focuses on Sustainability and Action, I plan to explore ways to reduce waste at MADA and find innovative ways to reuse materials effectively.

    • Richard Klopp's avatar
      Richard Klopp 9/11/2024 10:37 AM
      Great idea to connect with an organisation and leverage your knowledge and action!

  • Jordan Benabou's avatar
    Jordan Benabou 9/04/2024 6:54 AM
    Vanier Sustainability Action Plan Response:

    The Vanier Sustainability Action Plan has significant potential due to its well structured approach. It sets strong goals to address various eco-issues on campus, such as improving transportation, energy use, and providing nutritious meals in the cafeteria. However, I believe that these initiatives have not yet been effectively implemented. To raise awareness about these issues, the plan should be better marketed through signs in both buildings and by involving school advisors in promoting it, as students tend to read MIOs sent by advisors when marked as important. Additionally, energy education could be enhanced by installing timers in bathrooms to control lighting, ensuring that electricity isn't wasted when not needed.

    The following question I would ask is that this action plan outlines many goals such as achieving carbon neutrality and improving education on this matter. Can you provide an update towards these goals specifically on reducing the campus's carbon footprint.

    Possible initiatives that I would possibly be part of this semester since i am a Health Science student, I would aim towards the technological part or making people aware of this problem.

  • Jordan Benabou's avatar
    Jordan Benabou 9/03/2024 4:10 PM
    My Vanier Commute:

    When I travel to Vanier College, I usually drive my gas-powered car, which I take to school every day. Unfortunately, it's not the most cost efficient option, as I spend around $60-$70 a week on gas. Sometimes, I carpool with friends, which is more eco-friendly since it reduces the number of cars on the road, especially since we all live close to each other. Ideally, I would take the bus, which is better for the environment and much more cost effective. However, I don't do this because it's a 15 minute walk to the bus stop, and that’s about the same amount of time it takes me to drive directly to Vanier. Therefore its more convenient in my case. Biking to school is a bit unrealistic as it takes around 39 minutes according to Google Maps and when the season changes to winter it would be unbearable.

    To conclude, I believe that if you're able to drive, it can be a convenient option depending on how far you live from school. However, the best overall choice in my opinion is to take the STM, as it offers cost efficiency and environmental benefits especially if you have a bus stop close to your home, unlike myself.

    • Richard Klopp's avatar
      Richard Klopp 9/03/2024 8:35 PM
      Don't eliminate the bike option. At $60 - $70 a week of gas, your bike would pay for itself after a couple of months - even if you just rode in the warmer months. A 40-minute bike ride is doable once you get into the routine of it, especially if it a safe route.