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Putting Climate Solutions into Action

Drawdown Ecochallenge is a fun and social way to connect the dots between climate solutions and climate actions to help reverse climate change.
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Connect the dots between climate solutions and climate actions to help reverse climate change with Drawdown Ecochallenge!

Drawdown Ecochallenge is offered in partnership by and Project Drawdown. Together, we're taking action on the most substantive solutions to climate change. Stretch your limits, earn points, and see your positive impact grow. Take the challenge, and see how a few weeks of action add up to a lifetime of change for you and the planet.'s social change platform + curriculum connect a global community of advocates and changemakers, each doing what we can, in ways that are most relevant to us, to make this great spinning dot we call home a healthier, more equitable, more sustainable place.

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Drawdown Ecochallenge participants


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Participant Feed

  • May 1 at 5:23 PM
    I learned that refrigerants (CFCs) impact the climate and cause global warming. Grocery stores contribute to this problem because they have refrigerants that enter the atmosphere and start warming periods.
  • May 1 at 5:02 PM
    I will use the parts needed in the recipe. I will boil down the skin into a pallet cleanser for my mouth and for the stem, top, and stalks I will put them in the compost which goes back into the soil.
  • May 1 at 4:55 PM
    I learned that there are many facilities where you can recycle other than a curbside bin in our community. In order for supermarkets to keep foods at the right temperature, they are required to have refrigerators. Because of this, they have a bigger impact on releasing refrigerants into the atmosphere which damages the climate.